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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Free Article Submitter for Blog Software

Free Article Submitter for Blog Software Download latest version 2013

Free Article Submitter software was something which I was searching in Blog Software download category for ages but I never found any useful Article Submitter software. But after some real hard work, I found this best free article submitterwhich today I am sharing with you people.
The name of this software is Yoobids Article Submitter.

This free Article Submitter not just only does allow you to submit your article to more than 163 article directories but also submit all your articles automatically without asking for any additional working.

Why Yoobids Free Article Submitter? 
There are many free article submitter softwares available on internet but all of them just spam your articles and spread them all over the internet which adversely effects your article ranking.
But this blog software is free of spamming and very useful for all bloggers because this free article submitter allows them to submit their article to many article directories so that Google and other search engines will rank your article higher and will give more importance to your article which will directly rank your article higher in search engines.

How to proceed? 
This free article submitter saves all your personal information which you have enter for the first time when you use it. You than just have to log in and have to put your article title, article description and have to select category manually so that this free article submitter will start submitting your article to all article directories which are more than 163 directories.
Once you entered you personal information, article title, article description and category of your article, you just have to enter Submit button and thats it!
You have submitted your article in more 163 article directories in no time!

Why a blogger should submit his article to Article directories?
Every blogger must submit his article to article directories with this free article submitter because it will not only create free backlinks for your blog but also increase search engine ranking for your that particular article resulting in more searched and targeted organic traffic to your blog.

How to create Quality backlinks for your blog?
You can create quality free backlinks just by adding anchor texts in your article and backlink your own blog in any one anchor text.
Now when you submit your article to article directories through this free Article Submitter, then your backlinks will be submitted to all article directories as well!
However you can also try our best and most powerful backlinks creator tool for creating quality and high PR dofollow backlinks.
So try this free article submitter and go ahead for this blog software download.


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