Wednesday, 3 July 2013
2K is bringing PAX Prime to you on, with brand new live footage of Borderlands 2 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown!
2K is bringing PAX Prime to you on, with brand new live footage of Borderlands 2 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown!
PAX Prime 2012 starts in just a few days, and as usual we have a huge booth in the expo hall that those of you lucky enough to have a ticket should come check out. We'll be debuting new hands-on demos of both Borderlands 2 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown in North America for the first time!
But what about those of you who are stuck at home during this 3 day paradise of gaming? Worry not, as the 2K Community team will be there, live streaming all 3 days on our channel. You can expect interviews with developers, a peek inside our giant booth, and of course gobs of live gameplay footage.
For Borderlands 2, we’ll be showing off a demo we’ve never shown on our live streams in the past. We’ll have developers from Gearbox on the show to talk about the demo as well.
We have a couple special treats for XCOM: Enemy Unknown fans. First, we’re going to show off the PC interface for the first time. You guys have been asking for this, and so here it is. Second, we’ll be showing off the recently-announced head-to-head multiplayer! We’ll have Jake Solomon, Garth DeAngelis, and others from Firaxis on the stream to take on challengers.
Finally, we'll also be featuing the XCOM: Enemy Unknown panel "A Thousand Stupid Ideas on the Road to Glory" with the fine folks at Firaxis.
The show each day will start at 10:30am PDT, and will last for several hours. Head on over to our channel and click the “Follow” button in the top left (you’ll need to be signed in) – this will ensure you get an email notification when we go live each day.
See you at the show!
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