Wednesday, 3 July 2013
2K Marin Dev Diary: The Bureau PR Tour Epilogue
[Note, this was written this past weekend, before the embargo had lifted from the recent TB:XD PR Tour]
“You know when you’re so tired, you just start hallucinating? In the middle of that last interview, I just sort of floated out of my body and I could see myself giving the interview below me.”
Senior Producer Nico Bihary stands before me looking exhausted. The bags under his eyes and his unfocused gaze are understandable, as this is the last day of a nearly two week PR campaign that has taken us from San Francisco, New York, Paris, Munich, and finally, London.
I pop a Berocca tablet into my glass of water and watch it dissolve as I start to feel the ominous tickling sensation in the back of my throat that heralds the arrival of a cold.
Vice President of Product Development Alyssa Finley nearly nods off sitting across from us: we’ve all been struggling with acute jet lag since we arrived in Europe nearly a week ago and it has us longing for a full night’s rest without waking up at 3AM due to our bodies having forsaken us.
Over the past eleven days, Alyssa and Nico have given over 100 interviews to press and we’ve presented our 45 min game demo over twenty times across five different venues spread over 7,000 miles.
And even though we all look like extras that have wandered off of the latest zombie film set, we’re all incredibly happy to have been able to reach out to so many people to talk about The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. We’ve all been anxious to show the world what the game looks like and the genuine pleasure of having the press get their hands on with it trumps out any minor inconveniences that we may be experiencing.
Our gracious London PR hosts tell us that the last of the interviews are done for the day and we are free to spend our evening as we see fit before our flight back to the states tomorrow. We disperse to have one last sleep-deprived adventure with long lost friends and acquaintances.
In a few days, the embargo will lift (I’m currently writing this at over 30,000 feet somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean) and the press will be able to publish their reactions to their first hands on. We’re not sure how reactions will play out (the majority of conversations I’ve had indicate a trend towards the positive, but we can never be too sure) but we’re just glad to have been given the opportunity to be able to re-introduce 2K Marin’s latest project to the world.
I’ve recorded quite a bit of video during our trip to give you folks an idea as to what the venues look like, so keep an eye out for that soon.
Enjoy the coverage!
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