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Saturday 20 July 2013

7 Tips To Optimize Images For better Seo And Traffic

7 Tips To Optimize Images For better Seo And Traffic
Written By Saad Aziz

Image optimization tip,seo tips. 
Today FreedSoftwares has brought image optimization tips.Optimizing of image is very necessary for SEO and blog traffic.Unoptimized images can lead you to the lost raking and infamous rank or you might  get banned due to to your lack of knowledge.If you do optimize your images it will give a positive effect on your SEO and blog traffic and you'll get a good rank in Google.Billions of users copy images from Google image search and paste it in their posts.So if you want a good and high rank of your site then don't forget to optimize your site images before uploading.Now FreedSoftwares has brought some tips for you that how to optimize you images and tips are as follows.
This is the most important step that you must upload images relevant to you post by uploading non-relevant images in your post can cause negative effecton your rankings.Upload images related to the topic can give you a massive traffic because of this tip.Ad you can see that FreedSoftwares is sharing tip with you about image optimization, so, we have post image related to image optimization.
If you have ever download image from internet and  try to find out the name of your image, it something look like this image1112532.jpg or image12354.png right.We recommend you that not to use these type of names and never use them directly in your post because it will create problem for robot to resd this can cause negative effect on your site.Now the qustion arises that how to solve it, it is very just download the desired pic make changes which you want to.Now rename the pic according to you post title or some related keyword despite of 1112532.jpg use Tips-and-Tricks.jpg.It is SEO friendly and fully optimized method.We recommend you to use this one on your site.
If you are using Google search images for your post then you must compress your images before uploading it in your post.Compressing basically decrease the size of your image and optimize your image, it saves a lot of you bandwidth and help your site to load faster.If you will compress that image on your site make that image unique and new for the robots.Their are number of image compressing sites are available on internet some are as follows:Smush itImage OptimizerJPEG OptimizerAnd if you are Adobe Photoshop user that it is very simple for you.You can easily compress the images with your Adobe Software.The instruction are given as follow:Adobe PhotoshopFormat is very important before uploading images in your site or post.You must take care of the format that which format you are using.Their three most important formats which FreedSoftware will recommend you to use in your posts.
We will recommend you to use the first and second mostly in your posts.
Hyphen is the best sign to use in image names.Never use underscore ( _ ) or blank space because it can be difficult for robots to read it out.If you a give name with black space like (Tips And Tricks) then it will automatically converted and the black space will get replaced with 20% tag like this (Tips%20And%20Tricks).It will look like this if you will give black space in the image name, so, we will recommend yo to use hyphen (-) in image name.
These tags summarize your image and guide the robots that what about your image is.These tags work as description of your image and tell the robot about the image and enable the robots to crawl your images.Robots will not crawl the image if it has no title tag and Alt tag.
Always try to give the right dimension to your image and try to keep your images dimension same in every post then all of your posts will look same and will have proper map on blog homepage.Always try 520 px of width in your images.And never insert your dimension from you blogger HTML post editor try Adobe Photoshop Or other Image optimizers.

Use Relevant Images

Use Keywords in Image Name

Compress Images

Go to File in

Click Save for Web option 

Reduce the file size and maintain the quality and you are done

Use Quality Image Format

1. PNG    2. JPEG        3.GIF

Use Hyphen ( - ) in Image Names.

Give Title And Alt Tag

Give Proper Dimensions To the Image


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