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Saturday 20 July 2013

Custom Robots Header Tags For Blogger Written By Saad AZIZ

Custom Robots Header Tags For Blogger
Written By Saad AZIZ

Custom Robot header tags,robotsCustom Robots Header Tags are concern with my previous tip of Custom Robot.txt file.Custom Robots Header Tags are the new feature introduce in blogger by Google for better SEO score of the site, that means it will help you in your traffic and optimization.Before changing your search preference setting whether it is robot.txt file or Custom Robot header that both need asecurity check before doing any changes, so always remember that before making any changes do care that you are doing right or wrong because if you will do wrong changes then it may cause bad impact on your site and your site index may got deleted by the search engine robots.FreedSoftwares has provided you both setting with completely secured method about the Robot.txt file and custom Robot Header tags, so we will suggests you to use our settings without any worry an tension and once again we will remind you here that these both settings are very necessary for healthy blogger traffic and optimization of any site, so you must use these both settings.Use the below screenshot settingsCustom Robot header tags,robots
Go to Blogger
  • Select your Site
  • Go to setting and select search preferences
  • Go to Crawler and Indexing and select Custom header tags
  • Now click edit then give a check on YES
  • In the screenshot the complete optimized setting is given do same as given in above screenshot.
Custom Robot header tags,robots
All: This attribution mean no restriction for indexing, it is always default for all pages.It will crawl all the content in the pages.
Noindex: This attribute means not to show this page in search result or we can say that it will hide this page from the search engine's robot.
Nofollow:This attribute gives the guidance to the  Robots that not to follow any links on this page.
None: This attribute is equivalent to nofollow, noindex attributes that guides the robot not to crawl this page.
Noarchive: This attribute mean not to show cache result in search result
Nosnippet: This attribute means not to show snippet in the search results.
Noodp: This attribute means not to use metadata from the open directory project ( DMOZ) and do not show title and snippets for this pages.
Noimageindex: This attribute means not to index images on this page.
Notranslate: This attribute means not to show translation in other language for this page.
Unavailable_after: This attribute mean not show this pages in search result after some time or specified date.
                                              Now we have discussed each and every attribute of these robot header tags, which will help you to choose the best one for you.FreedSoftware will suggest you to use the upper settings which is given by us.Now it is up to you use the setting which suits you most.

How to enable Robot Header Tags in Blogger

Code Descriptions


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